  • Concepts

Main Components

There are two modes for running Milvus: Standalone and Cluster. These two modes share the same features. You can choose a mode that best fits your dataset size, traffic data, and more. For now, Milvus standalone cannot be upgraded “online” to Milvus cluster.

Milvus standalone

Milvus standalone includes three components:

  • Milvus: The core functional component.

  • Meta Store: The metadata engine, which accesses and stores metadata of Milvus’ internal components, including proxies, index nodes, and more.

  • Object Storage: The storage engine, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.

Standalone_architecture Standalone_architecture

Milvus cluster

Milvus cluster includes seven microservice components and three third-party dependencies. All microservices can be deployed on Kubernetes, independently from each other.

Microservice components

  • Root coord
  • Proxy
  • Query coord
  • Query node
  • Data coord
  • Index node
  • Data node

Third-party dependencies

  • Meta Store: Stores metadata for various components in the cluster, e.g. etcd.
  • Object Storage: Responsible for data persistence of large files in the cluster, such as index and binary log files, e.g. S3
  • Log Broker: Manages logs of recent mutation operations, outputs streaming log, and provides log publish-subscribe services, e.g. Pulsar.

Distributed_architecture Distributed_architecture

What’s next


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